MTAP--Musical Theatre Artists of Pittsburgh--brings together a group of local and regional artists working in a wide range of musical theatre expression, from solo cabaret to full-length narrative musical theatre. Through monthly meetings, the group supports the development of new work, serving as an incubator where new works of musical theatre come into being and are nurtured. ARE YOU A MUSICAL-THEATRE ARTIST LIVING IN THE PITTSBURGH REGION? MTAP meets monthly between September and May for networking, collaborations, new work development and presentations of work in progress. We are seeking aspiring or established composers, lyricists, librettists, playwrights, performers, professionals, producers and anyone interested in new musical development. If you have questions about MTAP, please feel free to contact us. To receive regular emails about member meetings, presentations, opportunities, and other news, you can click here to join our mailing list. ALREADY A MEMBER? You are welcome at MTAP whether you pay dues or not, but paying annual dues of $25 not only helps to support our activities, it also enables us to show our funders that our members value MTAP and its programs. You can pay dues by clicking on the button below. SUPPORT MTAP!
MTAP is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of MTAP must be made payable to Fractured Atlas only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. |
MTAP meetings are held on Sundays at 1:00 PM and are virtual, via Zoom. Our upcoming meetings are: March 9 April 6 May 11 Send an email to [email protected] for more information or to get the link to attend the Zoom meeting. HOT METAL SHORTS! THE 10-MINUTE MUSICALS played to full or nearly full houses at the end of July at City Theatre's Lillie Theatre,1300 Bingham St. Pittsburgh 15203. The program began during the early stages of the pandemic with the formation of collaborative teams of bookwriters, lyricists and composers to work online in creating new short musicals. Fifteen artists ultimately came up with half a dozen new mini-musicals to share with the public. And here are the Shorts! "Take Me" by David Michael King & Maureen McGranaghan "Unravel" by Judy Meiksin, Dana Leahy & Angela Thompson "20%" by Jennifer Schaupp & Marisa Wexler "Next Stop Steel Plaza" by Anita Spano & Darlene Thompson "Connected" by Annette Ferrieri, Alicia Johnson & Jean & J.W. Snyder "Thank You But No Thank You" by Mora V. Harris & Ian Kane ____________________________________________________________________ Member News MTAP members J.W. Snyder and Jean Atkins-Snyder have a new video of their song, "GREEN GROWS THE SUMMER WHEAT." Here is Jean's description of how they made the video
and song: "This A.I. assisted animated folk song started as a poem I wrote many years ago for my youngest son, Patrick. Last year he found it while going through some old notes and papers. He sent it to me, and I set it to music. My husband, JW created an arrangement, and we asked Cathy Hickling, a local performing artist, to record it. She played guitar, sang the vocals, and JW played bass and fiddle. We invited Lawrence McCullough, a well-known penny whistle player, to add his talent on the recording also. JW was learning about A.I. animation and put his "H.I." to work and here is the result." _________________________________________________ MTAP member David Berlin has released a new album of original music, "The Planet." You can find "The Planet" and David's other albums on Bandcamp. You can also hear David's music on the Amazon Prime movie, "Somebody to Love." |
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Landmark Theater (aka Altria Theater) under renovation used by permission from Wilson Butler Architects and the photographer.